Thursday, November 19, 2009


Now is the time women need to get creative and bring in some money even while at home, we just cannot afford to sit at home doing nothing anymore,even those that have regular jobs can make extra money. This is because times are bad , the economy is unstable so we need extra income to get along.

Opportunities still abound, a woman just needs to sit and think of what to do. Organization and planning is key so that you don't rush in and rush out.

What do you like doing, what makes you happy, do you realize that you could make money from doing what you love.

Like i said earlier opportunities abound, in this blog i will be suggesting several opportunities which you could cash in on and make money.

So keep coming.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


When you decide to start your own home business, its very important that you do it carefully to enable that business to succeed and grow.Like i said before no matter how small you may think it is, so far as you would be investing some money and your time you need to start right. And to start right, you need to put up a business plan.

A business plan is a detailed description of the parts of your business venture. It should outline your objectives of setting up the business both for the immediate and the future, the steps you plan to take to achieve those objectives should all be outlined.

This plan i necessary especially for those who are planning big because you might need funding from investors or banks and to get this funding you will definitely need to show your business plan.

Your business plan should include a summary which should strive to give a sense of of your business as a whole (i.e what you want to do, how you want to do it).
The summary should :

1. Define your company and the person or people that 'll run it.

2. Outline your product or service and their benefits to the target market

3. Describe your target market.

4. Envisage and analyze your competition

5. State the financial aspect i.e how much will be needed and how the money will be used.

6. The generally explain why your business will be successful.

This should not be difficult to do and should be done so it can be a guide to you which you should always refer to.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Many women's home based businesses are flourishing, whether the owners are salaried professionals earning extra money in their spare time,at home moms, recent graduates or retired women. Women allover are starting their own businesses.

There abounds many opportunities now for women to take up and still be successful and financially independent.

As the saying goes, nothing good comes easy, you still need to do your homework to ensure you succeed at what ever business you want to embark upon and its essential to have the spirit of determination.

You need a put together a business plan before you venture out, no matter how small you think the business is, you still need to put up a plan . Putting up a business plan is not such a difficult task, its something that can be done.

Now, this is to motivate us, remember women have always been strong, dynamic,detailed,wonderful multi-taskers and extremely creative.

There are indeed lots of opportunities which i will try as much as possible to put together in this blog.